
Lidia Bonifati - Lo Spiegone

Lidia Bonifati - Lo Spiegone


Lidia Bonifati is currently a PhD researcher in Law at the University of Bologna and the University of Antwerp. Her research interests include constitutional design for divided societies, minority rights, federalism and asymmetries in comparative constitutional law. She is also Secretary of the online newspaper Lo Spiegone, and a contributor for the “Europe” section. She left her heart in Bosnia, while walking down the stone-streets of Sarajevo.

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Eurac Research Blogs cooperating with Lo SpiegoneScience Blog
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The Rule of Law in central and south-eastern Europe: state of health and prospects

Lidia Bonifati - Lo SpiegoneLidia Bonifati - Lo Spiegone
Eurac Research Blogs cooperating with Lo SpiegoneScience Blog
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The rule of law in the European Union and the prudence of its procedures

Lidia Bonifati - Lo SpiegoneLidia Bonifati - Lo Spiegone
Eurac Research Blogs cooperating with Lo SpiegoneScience Blog
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The backsliding of the rule of law in Europe: diving into a paradox

Lidia Bonifati - Lo SpiegoneLidia Bonifati - Lo Spiegone

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