
Application of innovative tools of importance for animal welfare in the breeding of beef and dairy cattle

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  • Project duration: -
  • Project status: finished
  • Funding:
    Provincial P.-L.P. 14. Innovation projects (Province BZ funding /Project)
  • Total project budget: €26,000.00
  • Institute: Center for Sensing Solutions

The Healthy Farm project foresees the creation of an animal welfare assessment methodology that includes both direct animal measurements and indirect measurements, based on the farming environment using different protocols (Farming Welfare Index), and that considers the EFSA recommendations. In South Tyrol this problem is particularly felt for the presence of farmers located in impervious areas. The project provides for a close and active collaboration between two actors, both with operational and legal headquarters in the Province of Bolzano, each with great experience in their role and in carrying out the planned activities. The actors involved are ORMA Solutions and Eurac Research (with the task of carrying out the research for the optimization of the algorithm and data mining); it is also planned to involve the University of Padua, which will collaborate in the development of the algorithm, in the implementation of new features and in the study of the attachment of the sensor to the animal. Full support to the project is confirmed by the Bauernbund Association, with the support of Bring, particularly interested in providing local breeders with such an effective and important tool. In the field of farm animal breeding, more and more importance is given to the welfare and health of the animal as the current legislation obliges the farmer to ensure the welfare and health of the same through the correct conditions of housing. Great importance is given by the European Commission through the "National Plan for Animal Welfare (PNBA)" which applies the provisions of national and EU regulations and makes uniform the methods of execution and planning of controls, and improves the training of veterinarians and farmers on animal welfare issues.

Contact person: Roberto Monsorno

Eurac is involved as partner and subcontractor of the project lead, Orma Solutions Srl.

WP1: Project Management

Eurac Research in support of the project (in-kind): scientific coordination

WP2: Communication

The objective of the WP is to communicate the results of the various phases of the project, both locally and internationally, through participation in conferences, but also using the channels of the agency EIP-Agri as a vector to give European visibility to the results.

- Publication of project activities in the EIP-Agri newsletter (1 for 2019)

WP3: Requirements and state of the art analysis, Algorithm optimization

This activity is ongoing in 2018, but not planned for 2019

WP4: Prototype Development

The goal of WP4 is to design and implement the prototype that will be ready in its version v01 after 12 months.

The prototype consists of three elements, HW, SW and Platform. Each of these elements is managed by a specific activity.

Eurac is contracted by Orma Solutions to develop the SW component:

4.2.1       algorithm engineering, installing the necessary components on the End Device and/or on the GW – ready  for testing by  end April 2019

WP5: Test and Validation

The objective is to test and improve the prototype developed by WP4.

This phase involves a continuous interaction with WP4 implementing a V method for the definition of the requirements for WP3, the development of the WP4 prototype and the validation of the same since its design, with an iterative process of finishing the same prototype. From November 2019 until the end of the project (August 2020) the field tests will be intensified, allowing to define the requirements for WP6. WP activities start at month 9, before the finalization of the prototype and the success of WP4 will depend strictly on the validation and testing of WP5.

Eurac will contribute in 2019 with testing of the product 4.2.1