
ESA_EO4Alps-Operational Snow Hydrology

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The eo4alps-snow project is funded by the European Space Agency under the Alpine Regional Initiative (EO4alps). The project aims at creating a service, which allows for improving the management of available water resources at Alpine scale. The service will be intuitive, and it will allow users to perform various types of analysis on the produced data. In particular, the project will provide high spatio-temporal resolution snow water equivalent (SWE) as a key product for water resource management. To achieve this, EO data acquired by High Resolution and Very High Resolution Optical and SAR sensors will be combined with a physically based model. The service will be developed using a cloud computing infrastructure, which consists of a network of servers, platforms, databases and storage services. Eurac will be responsible for the development of the satellite-based snow mapping products, which will be then combined with the physically based model for the estimation of SWE.

Contact person: Mattia Callegari

E-mail: mattia.callegari@eurac.edu

Project funded by