Zielsystem Südtiroler Landwirtschaft

Target-system South Tyrolean agriculture - Development of an indicator-based target system for the sustainable development of South Tyrol's agriculture and forestry

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Target-system South Tyrolean agriculture - Development of an indicator-based target system for the sustainable development of South Tyrol's agriculture and forestry

There is no specific criteria-based target-system for the agricultural and forestry sector in South Tyrol, which allows for measuring its performance before the background of regional, European and national targets (e.g. in the areas of climate, competitiveness, environment, etc.). Furthermore, it seems necessary to provide transparency concerning the status of sustainable development of the sector. In a working group with the Department of Agriculture and Forestry and the Farmers' Federation, a constituent from top, bottom and sub-targets target structure was determined. Derived topics are operationalized through indicators. In a second step, primary and secondary data are collected and compared with benchmarks. From the degree of target achievement then appropriate agricultural policies are defined to meet the objectives set.

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